Student Travel Grant

HotMobile 2017 is pleased to provide travel support to selected students from universities in the U.S., to broaden the participation in our workshop. This support is made possible by the generous support from National Science Foundation (NSF). Following the NSF guidelines, only students in U.S. universities are eligible to apply for the travel support.

Travel support will provide up to $750 per student to help cover the cost of the student's travel, lodging, and workshop registration fees. We strongly encourage the participation from women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities. In addition, undergraduate students and students who have not previously attended HotMobile are especially encouraged to apply.

Applications for the travel award should be sent electronically as a PDF attachment to the HotMobile 2017 Student Travel Grant Chair, Morgan Vigil-Hayes at by Jan 18th, 2017 (Hard deadline). The subject line of the email should be: HOTMOBILE17 GRANT. An application should consist of the student's CV, a short personal statement (maximum one page), and a supporting letter from the student's advisor.

The student's short personal statement should include:

  1. Participation information:
    1. Type of participation at HotMobile 2017 (e.g., poster/demo presenter, paper presenter, non-presenter, etc.).
    2. whether the student has previously attended HotMobile.
    3. the student’s degree program and current year in school (e.g. third year undergraduate, second year Ph.D. student).
    4. the student’s gender (optional, for NSF reporting requirements)
    5. The student’s ethnicity (optional, for NSF reporting requirements)
  2. A brief summary of research interests and accomplishments to date.
  3. A description of areas reflected in the HotMobile 2017 program that would impact the student's research.
  4. Importance of attending the conference to the student.

In addition, the student's advisor should send a letter of recommendation to the committee. It should include:

  1. Confirmation that the student is in good standing.
  2. The suitability of HotMobile 2017 program to the student's research area.
  3. Ways in which attending the workshop would benefit the particular student.
  4. The strengths and potential contributions of the student.
  5. The financial needs of the student in traveling to HotMobile 2017.
  6. A statement on whether the advisor will cover the remainder of the student’s travel costs.

Applications will be reviewed by the HotMobile Travel Awards Committee, and the awards will be announced by January 26, 2017. Please note that the reimbursement amount will be subject to change based on the number of awardees and it is a maximum of $750 per student. Eligible expenses for reimbursement include advance student registration, hotel, and air travel. Expenses that are not eligible for reimbursement include regular and/or on-site registration, meals, and local transportation (taxis, shuttles, parking, etc.). Student travel grants are available in the form of reimbursements that are sent after the completion of the conference and receipt of all required documentation and receipts. For any questions, please contact the HotMobile 2017 Student Travel Grant Chair, Morgan Vigil-Hayes, at

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