Call For Papers & Participation
3rd IEEE Workshop on
Computing Systems and Applications
WMCSA 2000
December 7-8, 2000
Monterey Marriott, Monterey, California,
Sponsored by the IEEE
Computer Society Technical
Committee on the Internet (TCI)
and Technical
Committee on Operating Systems (TCOS). In cooperation
with ACM
IEEE Workshops on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications have
traditionally provided forums for high-quality technical discussions
on all aspects of mobile computing. The workshops provide an alternative
environment to the major conferences in the field, offering a more
relaxed schedule and providing for plenty of interaction among researchers
in the area. For WMCSA 2000 we are proposing to focus the workshop
discussion on four key issues:
- Paradigms and platforms for mobile computing. After 5
years of research into platforms to support mobile computing,
the jury is still out deciding the correct paradigm for future
mobile environments: synchronous or asynchronous, RPC or events,
adaptive or transparent, proxy or agent based. The options are
plentiful. WMCSA 2000 would like to collect together researchers
working in all these areas to determine if there is a single emerging
paradigm for programming mobile systems.
- Mobile computing in smart home and office environments. Home
networks and smart environments are proliferating with the emergence
of technologies such as HAVi, UPnP and JetSend. Researchers in
the field of mobile computing often feel drawn to these areas
since they are closely related to visions of ubiquitous computing.
WMCSA 2000 aims to consider the relationship between mobile computing
and these emerging environments and to develop a blueprint for
future research in this area.
- Interactions between user interface and systems software
on mobile devices. In mobile environments users require unprecedented
levels of information on how their system is operating. However,
there is little research detailing how this information might
be collected, how it should be presented to users and how these
processes impact on systems design. WMCSA will aim to explore
these topics in detail.
- Case studies of advanced mobile applications. Interesting
application domains are very often the catalysts for major developments
in a research field. WMCSA 2000 is targeting papers from researchers
at the application level which describe novel applications, present
case studies of advanced applications or tackle issues such as
design cases and deployment issues.
We encourage papers that contribute to the community's understanding
of the issues in any of the above topics. These issues clearly span
many architectural levels and papers describing work at all levels
above the MAC layer are welcome. Papers should describe completed
or on-going research work and should not have been submitted or
published elsewhere. The maximum length for submissions is 10 US
Letter pages. The conference proceedings will be published by the
IEEE and we hope to publish a digest of the workshop discussion
and extracts of the papers presented in a relevant journal. All
accepted papers will be circulated to attendees in advance.
To further stimulate discussion, we welcome researchers who would
like to demonstrate working prototypes of their systems. If you
would like to demo at WMCSA 2000 please send a one page description
of your demonstration to the submission address below. You should
include a brief overview of the nature of the demonstration, details
of any wireless communications equipment used and any connectivity
WMCSA 2000 will take place in Monterey, CA at the Monterey Marriott.
The magnificent Monterey Peninsula has been called one of the greatest
meetings of land, sea and sky on earth and is recognized as an ideal
vacation and business destination. This beautiful seaside community
combines all the charm of small town America with an endless variety
of recreational and cultural activities. From historic adobes and
landmarks to Fisherman's Wharf and the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey
has something for everyone.
To encourage a workshop atmosphere, attendance will be limited
to approximately 75 delegates. Priority will be given to the authors
and co-authors of submitted papers and demonstration proposals,
with any remaining places being allocated on a first-come, first-served
A small number of graduate students will be granted a waiver of
the registration fee. In return, these students will be asked to
take notes at the workshop. Students who wish to be considered for
the waiver must send in a brief description of their current research
and an explanation of how participation in the workshop is likely
to help them.
Important Dates
Submissions Due
June 16, 2000
Acceptance Notification
August 7, 2000
September 29, 2000
Demonstration Proposals Due
September 1, 2000
Demonstration Acceptance Notification
September 15, 2000
Student Waiver Applications Due
September 15, 2000
Student Waiver Notification
October 1, 2000
Hotel Registration Deadline
October 23, 2000
Workshop Dates
December 7-8, 2000
Submission Information
WMCSA 2000 supports electronic submission only. Please send a PDF
(preferred) or postscript copy of your paper, at most 10 US Letter
pages in length, to
Please ensure the first page of your submission includes an abstract
and the address, telephone, FAX and email of the primary contact
person. Authors of accepted papers will be required to produce final
versions of their paper in camera ready format according to IEEE
Press style guidelines.
Demonstration proposals (maximum one page) and applications for
student waivers should be sent to the same address.