Registration is being handled by the IEEE Computer Society's conference services. You can now register online using their web site.
Important dates
Online registrations have now closed. We will be handling registrations onsite on the evening of Wednesday 1st and on the morning of Thursday 2nd.
Visa letter requests
Those requiring visa letters must send an email to Carol Airey with a subject line "visa letter request". Note: You must register with the IEEE before asking us for a visa letter. Please do not telephone us unless absolutely necessary and you have already registered for the workshop.
Registration fees
Advance registration (before 28 October):
IEEE member: $375
Student and life members: $210
Non-members: $495
Student non-members: $275
Late and onsite registration:
IEEE member: $515
Student and life members: $290
Non-members: $675
Student non-members: $380
Note that all prices are shown in US dollars. Each registration includes lunches, buffet and a copy of the proceedings. Additional copies of the proceedings and tickets for guests not registered for the workshop may also be purchased online.
Student scribes:
We plan to recruit two student volunteers to assist in the running of the workshop (e.g. take notes in sessions and prepare transcripts of the proceedings for the web site). The registration fee will be waived for successful candidates. If you wish to be considered for this role, and are a research student, please send a letter by post to the general chair briefly describing your background and current research topic. Students are naturally expected to have the support of their academic advisors.