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4th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems & Applications

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Call for Papers

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WMCSA 2002
Thursday-Friday, June 20-21, 2002 
Villa Roma Resort & Conference Center, Callicoon, New York

Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society (TCI & TCOS)
In cooperation with ACM SIGMOBILE and USENIX

The deadline for requests for student waivers has been extended to April 15th 2002. Click here for submission instructions.
Submission of full papers and research demo proposals is now closed.

The Fourth IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications is the latest in a series of high-quality, interactive forums for discussion on all aspects of mobile computing systems and applications. For WMCSA 2002, we are particularly interested in the following topic areas: 

  • Novel applications and environments

  • Small size combined with alternative interfaces allows the integration of mobile computing elements in a large number of diverse host environments. Each new application domain brings with it a number of challenges for mobile computing systems. WMCSA 2002 seeks papers describing such applications, the challenges they place on systems, experiences deploying them, and approaches to overcoming those challenges.
  • Coordination and aggregation of devices

  • Among the characteristics of mobile devices is their relatively simple functionality and lack of resources and computational power. To achieve significant tasks it is sometimes necessary to gather devices together into a cohesive whole. How can this be accomplished in an extensible and/or scalable way, considering the ad hoc nature of mobile systems and the limited interfaces and resources available at each node in a coordinated set? Do the solutions change when mobile devices and networks interact with the wired world, rather than as an island unto themselves?
  • Security and privacy ramifications

  • The increasing integration of computing and communication into our day-to-day lives brings with it an increase in the amount of information collected and exchanged about our activities. How should such information be protected to balance the ability for such systems to assist us with the desire to keep some information private?
  • Cross-layer interactions

  • Mobility has consequences for networking, operating systems, middleware, and applications. To what extent must each component be aware of others in the system? How can one structure a mobile computing system to provide powerful yet simple interactions across layers? 
We encourage papers that contribute to the community's understanding of the issues in any of the above topics. Each topic spans many architectural levels; papers focusing on work above the MAC layer are welcome.

Papers should be 10 US letter pages or less, and should describe either completed or ongoing work (see Submission Instructions for details). We particularly encourage papers describing new directions or controversial approaches, even if the work is at an early stage. The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE and we hope to publish a digest of the workshop in a relevant journal. As is customary, papers must not have been published elsewhere and can not be simultaneously under submission at another venue.

To further stimulate discussion, we welcome researchers who would like to demonstrate working prototypes of their systems. If you would like to demo at WMCSA 2002 please send a one-page description of your demonstration.

To encourage an interactive atmosphere, attendance will be limited to approximately 75 attendees. Authors of submitted papers and demo proposals will be given first preference, with others able to register on a space-available basis.

A small number of graduate students will be granted a waiver of the registration fee. In return, they will be asked to take notes at the workshop. Students requesting a waiver should submit a brief proposal.  Click here for submission instructions.

We look forward to another highly successful and enjoyable workshop, this time in the Catskills area of New York, by the Delaware river with rolling hills, lakes and small quiet towns, approximately 2 hours' drive from New York City and 1 hour's drive from the Stuart/Newburgh airport. 

Student Waiver Submission Instructions

A small number of graduate students will be granted a waiver of the registration fee. In return, they will be asked to take notes at the workshop. Students requesting a waiver should submit a brief (at most one page) description of their current research direction and an explanation of how participation is likely to benefit them. Submit proposals to Tim Kindberg at timothy@hpl.hp.com by April 15th, 2002.

Demo Proposal Submission Instructions

Submission of demo proposal papers is now closed.

We welcome researchers who would like to demonstrate working prototypes of their systems. If you would like to demo at WMCSA 2002 please send a one-page description of your demonstration. Mail your submissions to wmcsa02-demo@umich.edu. Demo submissions should be at most one page in length; text, Postscript, or PDF are acceptable formats. Include a short description of the demo, expected space requirements, and any on-site A/V or connectivity needs. Please also alert us to any potential conflicts with other demos -- for example, if your demo uses the 2.4GHz band in an unusual way, let us know.

For exnquiries please contact the research demonstrations chair, Hans Gellersen hwg@comp.lancs.ac.uk.

Submission Instructions

Submission of full papers is now closed.

Submissions will be accepted via email. Mail your submissions to wmcsa02-paper@umich.edu. Include a text version of your abstract, and attach your paper in either Postscript or PDF; the latter is slightly preferred. Include in your email full contact information for the corresponding author, and a text abstract of a few hundred words or less.

Papers should describe on-going or completed research work and should not have been submitted or published elsewhere. Submissions should be at most 10 US Letter pages (8.5" x 11") in length. Submitted papers need not follow any particular format. Make reasonable choices in font and margin size, so that your paper will be readable. Take care to produce a printable document; embed fonts, and restrict your font choices to those commonly available. Authors are encouraged to send an early draft to check for printing problems. Accepted papers will be formatted according to IEEE Press style guidelines.

Papers are due on December 20th. Given the proximity of the holiday break and the tight reviewing schedule, we do not expect to offer extensions.

Program Committee:

  • Gregory Abowd, Georgia Tech 
  • Barry Brumitt, Microsoft 
  • Adrian Friday, Lancaster University 
  • Armando Fox, Stanford 
  • John Heidemann, USC/ISI 
  • Robin Kravets, University of Illinois-UC 
  • Hui Lei, IBM 
  • Gerald Q. Maguire, KTH Sweden 
  • Brian Noble (Chair), University of Michigan 
  • Trevor Pering, Intel 
  • Bill Schilit, FXPAL 
  • Cormac Sreenan, U. College Cork 
  • Dan Wallach, Rice 

Important Dates:


  • submissions due: December 20th, 2001
  • notification to authors: March 1st, 2002
  • camera-ready copy due: April 5th, 2002 


  • submissions due: March 29th, 2002 
  • notification: April 12th, 2002 

Student waivers 

  • applications due: April 15th, 2002 
  • notification: April 22nd, 2002 


  • June 20-21st, 2002
    This page was modified on April 3rd 2002.
Comments/Questions to info@wmcsa2002.hpl.hp.com.
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