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4th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems & Applications

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WMCSA 2002 Invited Talk

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  Living in Both Worlds
Prof. Larry Rudolph
Head of the Oxygen Research Group, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science.

Teenagers might be able to watch music videos with pop-up factoids, talk on their cell phone, instant message with their buddies, and do homework all at the same time, but their younger siblings will likely straddle both the physical and virtual worlds. A glimpse of such a dual-mode living was seen in a the final projects of a class on pervasive or ubiquitous computing given at MIT in the Fall of 2001. The final projects were all multiperson games that involved the cricket location system and Linux-based iPaq handhelds. This talk will discuss this course, its contents, strengths and weaknesses, as well as some thoughts on simultaneous living in virtual and physical worlds.

    This page was modified on June 7th 2002
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